Welcome new and returning MSA members!
Reminder: All 2023-2024 USFSA/LTS and MSA Memberships expire on June 30, 2024 (Scroll down for registration instructions)
2024-2025 USFSA/LTS and MSA memberships are valid July 1, 2024 through June 30, 2025
Full Membership
For All returning MSA members
$265 Includes:
USFS Individual membership
(required for USFS sanctioned events, like testing, competing, etc)
TeamSnap access
USFS Club membership
“in club” testing privileges
Access to club events (Banquet, Spring Showcase, Winter Show, Skills Clinics)
MSA Administrative costs
Head Coach fee as Advisor to club
Club insurance
Bridge Membership
For skaters in their first year out of Learn to Skate
$215 Includes:
USFS Individual membership
(required for USFS sanctioned events, like testing, competing, etc)
TeamSnap access
USFS Club membership
“in club” testing privileges
Access to club events (Banquet, Spring Showcase, Winter Show, Skills Clinics)
MSA Administrative costs
Head Coach fee as Advisor to club
Club insurance
15-minute ice session with MSA Head Coach (followed with an intro to the sport and a list of suggested coaches)
Associate Membership
For Members of other skating Clubs who are registered in MSA club programming
$105 Includes:
TeamSnap access
“in club” testing privileges
Access to club events (Banquet, Spring Showcase, Winter Show, Skills Clinics)
MSA Administrative costs
Head Coach fee as Advisor to club
Club insurance
Adult Membership
For Members who are beyond the age of high school
$140 Includes:
USFS Individual membership
(required for USFS sanctioned events, like testing, competing, etc)
TeamSnap access
USFS Club membership
“in club” testing privileges
Access to select club events (Banquet, Winter Show)
MSA Administrative costs
Club insurance
Note: MSA is a community skating program and is not affiliated with Miami University.
Collegiate skaters who are enrolled at Miami University and need USFSA and club membership should go the Goggin Ice Center Website or contact David Goodman
Registration Instructions:
Step 1: Prepare!
Email addresses: To ensure that you and your skater receive all communication throughout the season, make sure all information is correct, remove duplicate information, and type all email addresses correctly during the registration process. Note the skater is the FIRST person listed, then parents follow.
If your home club is NOT MSA for the 2024-25 season (& you are applying for an MSA Associate Membership) you will need to complete the Member in Good Standing Form linked in the button above. You will be required to UPLOAD a digital copy of the completed form during the registration process.
New for 2024! All other waivers and documents (other than the Member in Good Standing form) will be digital so you do not need to print/sign/scan waivers in advance of starting registration. If you are registering for an Associate membership, the Member in Good Standing form will need to be completed and uploaded during the registration process.
If you have more than one skater (FULL or BRIDGE member types only) in MSA and/or USFS, please contact the Membership Coordinator to request your discount code before starting registration.
Step 2: Registration Form
Click the button above for registration form access.
The online form supports credit card, ACH, & check/cash payment options
All registrations completed through TeamSnap include the opportunity to pay for OPTIONAL registration insurance through RegSaver. This service is not part of MSA. We encourage you to read about the service before completing your MSA registration.
If you have questions about account payment status, contact the MSA Treasurer.
Thank you for your participation! Go MSA!
Questions about membership registration? Contact